How to earn real money online by shortening links with

Many people on internet daily spend their lot of time searching on internet about the different ways with the help of which they can make money. But were not able to find the real and easy source from where they can make the real money. Helping all the people who are there in search of websites who gives real money as having people working for them. I was searching internet and came to know about a website randomly that offers real money by shortening links from their website. The website`s name is It is a link shortening website as same as Google`s and Bitly but the fact that make me pulled towards this website is that it gives users money for shortening links.

In this website you have to shorten the links and share these links in your facebook ID or anywhere else. When a user clicks on it then you will get money. Presently gives 70 Rs for 100 clicks on your link. Thus if you make 500 people click on your shorten link, you had already made Rs 350 in your account that too without doing any hard work.

So, I thought to share this awesome website with you all and in this post I will also tell you about the ways by applying which you can make real money in very short time and that is without doing any hard work. just sit at home, take your laptop, computer or Mobile phone and then start shortening links and earn money.

Hurry up and go to this link and make an Account there: "Make Account on"
To be able to earn money you have to first make an account into this website that is so simple all you have to do is go to this link "Sign Up for and Make Money in Few Steps"

Now, you will be redirected to do this window, in which you have to enter your E-mail Id and Password.

When you will ad your details, will send an auto confirmation E-mail to you account and then you have to go to your email account and confirm that mail, after you confirm your account then you will be redirected to you Dashboard. which looks like.

Here there will be all the details related to your account, like all the links that you had shortened and your payment details like which link costs you how much and below it there will be the summary for each link that you have shortened and next to them there will be options of sharing that link to social sites like Facebok, Google+ and RSS.

When you will have some links shortened and some money will be generated, then there will be the number of Withdrawal of the money that you had made. When you will open your Dashboard up on the top there will be the Window naming Withdrawal in which there will be the details of Payment info. Note: You can not get your payment if your payment is less then $5 i.e. Rs 300. When you will have Rs 300, then you can  withdraw your payment and enjoy it as you can get it via PayPal or Payoneer.

The withdrawal window looks something like this, in which your payment details will be shown

After having 5$ in your account request for payout and thus your payment will reach near you within 1 week or less, since it takes 3 days to transfer the money into your account so it will reach soon.

I hope that this post has shown you the most easiest and reliable way of making money online by doing simple work of shortening links. If you liked this post then please share it or comment your views down.
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Nikhil Dhawan
Nikhil Dhawan A Guy in Love with Tech, Food and Computers
Technology Lover, Entrepreneur, Thinker, Programmer, Developer, Web, Graphic & Logo Designer, Information Security Expert, Security Researcher, Cyber Security Expert, and a Simple fun loving guy. Stay Connected with me! Like & Follow Me!