Terms of Service

Tech World`s Terms of Service

Welcome to Tech World, Your online Portal for getting Techy things in a single place. For using our site, we have made some Terms of Services. Please read them carefully if you want to know about Us thoroughly.

Tech World is a personal website dedicated to all the tech lovers and general people out there who searches web daily to get some out of the box knowledge about Tech products, gadgets, new tips & tricks, latest news on How to and ways with the help of which they can do something different.

The site Tech World is owned and operated personally by Us (Us here refers to Our Team). All the things posted on this website came state away from the world news and some are from our personal experience that we experience while doing the thing. We reserve the right to Review and Change the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy time to time. Our content is fully protected by the Creative Commons Org`s License that means we have no objection when you will share, copy or spread our material in your blog, website or anything by giving adequate credit to Us. This means that when you will share our content you have to mention our link as a credit to us below that content otherwise if not done will be marked as spam and as well as illegal activity and you may face legal activity from or side.

1) No Guarantees or Warranties.
The content provided on this website includes graphic images, documents, files, rich texts that are sole property of ours and while organizing them some mistake may be caused regarding to which if it leaves impact over you then you can`t blame us as we don`t any guarantees or warranties on our content. All the content is for knowledge purpose and Tech World thus doesn`t take any responsibility. Consequently, to the extend permitted by law, the services and information on this website and provided through its News, tips & tricks or any other was are provided "as is", and without warranty, and all warranties of any king either express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement are hereby disclaimed, and you hereby waive all such warranties. 

2) Website Links and Third-Party Sites.
This website does contain links to other Websites which are independent of this website. We make no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, value, integrity, completeness or authenticity of the information or opinions contained in any such linked Website, and any link to another Website shall not in any manner be constructed as an endorsement by us of that Website, or of the products o services described therein. There are some links also referring to Advertisements that we have to give so as to get some revenue to make up with the cost of servers and maintaining this site.
       Furthermore, these links may lead to sites that may contain offensive and objectionable content or the content that you hate or some dangerous computer viruses. You assume, and we hereby disclaim, all the responsibility for any of the content on these sites or for any damage sustained by users of these sites.

3) Confidentiality.
We respect your confidentiality and in keeping mind which we will not reveal any information of you given to us in the form of the surveys that we conduct time to time or in any other form. We will use that policy only in terms of serving our users or we can say visitors a better service and they can experience a smoother Interface on our site.

4) Ownership.
All the content on this website is Copyright © 2003-14 Tech World Inc. | Nikhil Dhawan. All rights reserved, including the name of the titles, post content and images that we use in this website (including all trademarks, copyrights, and other intellectual property rights). The name and logos of different companies mentioned in the post written by Tech World in this website may be the registered trademarks and copyrights of the respective companies. Any use of that content by our visitors or any other person without having written permission by Tech World is highly prohibited an may be liable to legal proceedings.

5) License.
Nothing contained in this website can be reproduced, reused or used in any other Website, in direct or indirect way without having the written permission and doing so will be marked as infringement of the copyright and thus without License doing these activities will be marked as illegal.

6) Governing Laws in Case of Disputes.
These terms of service shall be governed by and constructed in accordance  with the laws of the State of Jammu and Kashmir, J&K, India as they apply to agreements made and solely performed therein you irrevocably consent and waive all objection to personal jurisdiction and venue in the State of Jammu and Kashmir, J&K, India and you shall not commence or prosecute any suit or action except in the foregoing courts.

7) International Use.
We do not guarantee that the content on this website serves general purpose to all the world as some news related to a specific country will make their users to bound in that thus other people from different countries can`t be able to understand about that. Thus we try to publish content suitable to all the people visiting our website. But if, sometimes there will be some content specific to a Country then also you can`t blame us not to make the content exceeding its limit to your country.

Thanks for spending some time and reading all the Terms of Service of Tech World. Hope you will co-operate with us making Tech World more forward in providing tech and other updates near you.
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About the Author

Nikhil Dhawan
Nikhil Dhawan A Guy in Love with Tech, Food and Computers
Technology Lover, Entrepreneur, Thinker, Programmer, Developer, Web, Graphic & Logo Designer, Information Security Expert, Security Researcher, Cyber Security Expert, and a Simple fun loving guy. Stay Connected with me! Like & Follow Me!